A final iPhone
3GS jailbreak hasn't been released yet, but that isn't stopping
enterprising hackers from trying to get at all that
extra horsepower, and some of the first notable hacks we've
seen are these updated PlayStation 1 and Game Boy Advance emulator
ports, which run way faster than the versions for the original and
3G. The
revved up hardware in Apple's latest is apparently capable of
running either of these at 150 - 225fps with zero frameskipping,
which is pretty impressive. Of course, we'll be way more impressed
when the Dev Team releases a 3GS jailbreak and we can hit these up
ourselves, but in the meantime there are plenty of videos to with
which to while away the time at the read links.
Read - Emulator
Read - ZoTTD blog post with more info
[Via: Engadgetmobile ]