No real surprises here but, in a recent interview with GamePro, Sony's John Kohler said that the company doesn't have any plans to pull a Microsoft and redesign its XMB interface, nor does have any intention to offer Netflix service on the PS3 in the foreseeable future. More specifically, while Kohler says that Sony is willing to make changes "if consumers pound on our door loudly enough," it's not likely to make any "grand-scale changes" to the XMB "because it's something that's been so well-received." As for Netflix, Kohler expectedly shifted the focus to Sony's own download service, saying simply that "our efforts will continue to be there, because our customers want to own the content." Not surprisingly, Kohler didn't exactly invite any door-pounding on that matter, though there's certainly nothing stopping anyone that feels so inclined.
[Via: PS3 Fanboy ]