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Thursday, September 18, 2008

FunOrb, lots of random games - Time Waster

Zombie Dawn intro

So, you're still looking for just the right way to waste some time? Not enough to keep you busy in your cube? FunOrb should keep you busy for a few hours. Those hours might be spent playing a lot of games to find one you like, but, hey, you're still wasting time, aren't you?
There are lots of little, simple puzzle games, think Bejeweled and the like, as well as Pool, arcade games and strategy games. All of the games have music and sound, so turn down the speakers before you get started.
Read on for the gory details.
  • I found the music in the pool game to be of the grocery store jazz variety, which I found annoying. Otherwise, the game is okay.
  • Dungeon Assault is a game where you are the dragon, planning your assault on other dragon's dungeons and defending your own. The intro to the game made me think of games like Empire Earth with it's very sweeping, epic views and big, booming voiced narrator. The game, on the other hand, involved lots of pointing and clicking and was very slow moving in general. If you want to play more than the tutorial, you must register with the site. Oh, and when you battle monsters, you actually see dice rolling on the screen to determine the outcome.
  • OrbDefense is much like Desktop Tower Defense but not quite as cool. You have to build towers to keep various critters from making it from one point on the maze to another.
  • In Zombie Dawn you are in charge of the undead apocalypse (really! That's what the instructions say). You basically left click on your undead minions and left click on where you want them to go. Chase down the humans and leave a pile of green goo behind when they are turned into a zombie. The intro screens have much better graphics than the actual game. Seems to be a recurring pattern of that.
  • Pixelate is a Tetris type game where you have to make patterns with your dropping blocks. Some levels are more challenging than others.
  • Transmorgrify is a Wheel of Fortune looking game with Scrabble type playing. They have Pat and Vanna avatars but you have to make words from letters that are given to you. I enjoyed the game, being a word nerd and all, but you have to double click on the letters to choose them and it just wasn't working well for me. Sometimes I had to double click several times to get the letter chosen.
So, FunOrb has some decent games. But, you have to hunt around and try a lot of crap to find one you enjoy. And, you have to register with the site to play full versions of any of the games which I always think is lame. But, if you really need to waste some time, you might find something in there you like.
[Via: Download Squad ]