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Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mirage 3D DaVinci Driving Simulator Rig Lacks Wheels, Has Passenger Seat [Driving Simulator]

We could only surmise that this "realistic" DaVinci driving simulator from Mirage3D is for teaching this morning. I mean, why else would this thing have a passenger seat? Riding shotgun for a video game? Not when the couch is so comfy, thanks. Then again, this is also the perfect gift for that cousin with a penchant for racing and DUIs, as it lovingly recreates the extreme driving experience with roll bars, uber-realistic, working gauges (controlled by an on-board PC), and Dolby 5.1 surround—all without the danger of having him sloshed on I-90. Oh, and there's a seat belt. That's the DaVinci, alright: safety first, dignity second. [Mirage 3D via Born Rich]

[Via: Gizmodo, The Gadget Blog ]